Tuesday 11 February 2014

Question of the day-February 11

Chapter 12

Only 4 chapters left!  I can't believe we are almost done this book!

Humphrey freaked out when he heard who was taking him home over the 4-day break.  Do you think Humphrey should be nervous?  What do you think will happen to Humphrey when he spends the weekend with Mrs. Brisbane?

Have you read Humphrey's blog and found our what he did on our extra long weekend?  You should check it out.  He had an encounter with an elastic band and a CAT!


  1. Paola and Kaelyn from Mrs.Stodolka cloass
    Humphrey is very nervous because he is goin to spend 4 days at Mrs.Brisbane
    house because the kids from room 26 had plans already for thanksgiving.

  2. Marshall and Kyeler from mrs. Stodolka's class

    nervous becase Mrs. brisbane thinks hie is a rodent

  3. sam mrs ridders class
    im thinking he should be nervous because you never know what is in store

  4. Monica V
    I think Humphrey should be norvous because Mrs.Brisbane said to him one day that she will get rid of him.
